• This summer, students entering 6th-8th grades will head to Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA July 7th-11th for CIY Mix

    High school students will attend CIY Move the week of June 16th - June 21st at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN.

    These weeks will be the best of your kid's summer! To sign up and hold your spot with a $100 deposit, register below.

    For more information or if you have questions, contact Amanda or Parker.

    Register for CIY - MIX (6th-8th grade) HERE.

    Register for CIY - MOVE (9th-12th grade) HERE.

  • Join us Sunday night, April 27th at 6:30pm for a chef-crafted meal of regional favorites from Honduran cuisine! Suggested donation is $40/plate; parents may determine the donation for their child's plate. RSVP below or on your Connect Card Sunday and we’ll be in touch.

  • Everyone is welcome to join us after church on Sunday, April 6th for a free chili lunch. Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will go towards the Honduras Team trip.

  • On Good Friday, April 18th, the church sanctuary will be open from 6-8pm for anyone seeking a quiet place for prayer, reflection and meditation. Both male and female church leaders & volunteers will be present if you need someone to pray with. Come alone, come with your family, come with your life group, some with a friend… this is simply an open, unstructured time to encourage quiet prayer on the day we remember Christ’s crucifixion.

  • Join us Wednesdays beginning Feb. 26th at 9:30am, as we walk through the book of Romans. Contact Karen Landis for more info.

  • Here at NHCC we value genuine community, and Life groups are the primary means through which we flesh that out. Life groups are small groups that meet together weekly, usually in homes, to connect, grow, serve and simply do life together. We encourage everyone who calls this their church to be involved in a Life group. Regardless of where you are in your life and faith journey, there is a place for You!

    Not in a group? We'd love for you to be! Contact the office for more info.

  • This program is designed for students in 6-12th grades:

    Students meet at the church Sunday evenings from 6:30-8pm to hang out, build relationships with one another, and discuss how to understand and apply Biblical principles. Questions? Contact Parker.

  • NHCC actively partners with Days for Girls, an organization which seeks to break down stigmas and limitations by providing sustainable and effective feminine hygiene solutions & education to under-privileged girls and women worldwide.  We meet Mondays from 10am-2pm. If you'd like to make a donation, we are always in need of Dark Colored Patterned Flannel (no animals/eyes/flags), Purple & Blue Rit Dye, & Joann's Gift Cards. Contact Lisa Porter with questions of how to help or get involved.

  • Weekly Family Food Distribution happens every Monday from 5-6pm. No registration required. Contact Katie Knox to get involved with packing, shopping, & distributing.

    Feeding families isn’t cheap… would you like to help our mission and donate items for our food distribution? Click here to see what items we collect each month.