March 21, 2025

Good morning, NHCC Friends & Family!

“It’s my way or the highway!”

Ever met one of those people? Sure you have. Maybe a co-worker, or a neighbor, maybe a family member… that phrase is kind of our universal terminology for someone who has no room for the input of others into how they make decisions. But the truth is we all have a hefty dose of that tendency within us—which is why it’s so hard to read that four-word prayer Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:10: “Your will be done.” If we’re being honest, what we want that prayer to mean is “God, I want your will to be done… but I ALSO really want mine to be done. So maybe we can both work together?”

But that’s not the surrender we learn from watching Jesus in this series looking at the last week of His life. And this coming Sunday, please make sure you join us, because we’re going to look at a critical scene where Jesus lived out that same prayer He taught us to pray… in fact, He prayed “Not mine, but Your will be done”… and He prayed that in one of the most brutal and intense moments of anguish in human history.

Important update before I sign off: mark your calendars for SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 27. We are putting together an all-church dinner fundraiser to support our team traveling to Honduras this June. A very special team of NHCC chefs will be creating a fantastic spread of food that will take culinary cues from menu favorites of our friends in the Honduran communities we serve. Suggested donation is $40 per plate, and families are welcome—parents can determine the donation for their kids. Our Honduras team will also share progress and updates in their process. You must RSVP for this event! Email the office, mark your connect card Sunday, or just hop online and register HERE right now. Want to be a part of the volunteer team helping to pull this off? Drop the office a note here.

See below for everything else you need to know about NHCC happenings—looking forward seeing you all this Sunday!


"THE PATH OF SURRENDER” - How often do we struggle with not getting our way? We often conceal it better than children, but usually, our unhealthy responses stem from a desire for control. In the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, His journey to the cross lays out for us a manifesto of surrender. He was willing to relinquish control to His Heavenly Father, and as we prepare for Easter, we can learn not only why He did it, but how we can do it too.

CHILDREN'S BAPTISM CLASS  |  This one hour experience is a great way to introduce your kids to committing their lives to Christ and understanding what follows their decision. Amanda is offering an in-person class after service THIS Sunday, March 30th, in the children's wing for anyone interested in learning more. See Amandafor more information.

HONDURAS MISSION FUNDRAISING DINNER! | Join us Sunday night, April 27th at 6:30pm for a chef-crafted meal of regional favorites from Honduran cuisine! Suggested donation is $40/plate; parents may determine the donation for their child's plate. RSVP here, on the events page of our website, or on your Connect Card and we'll be in touch.

HONDURAS - CHILI LUNCH | Everyone is welcome to join us after church on Sunday, April 6th for a free chili lunch. Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will go towards the Honduras Team trip. 

CIY SUMMER CONFERENCES |  This summer, students entering 6th-8th grades will head to Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA July 7th-11th for CIY Mix.  High school students will attend CIY Move the week of June 16th - June 21st at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN. These weeks will be the best of your kid's summer! REGISTER TODAY to hold your spot with a $100 deposit, or visit the events page of our website! See Amandaor Parker with questions.

MORNING MEN'S STUDY |  A new morning men's study will be starting on Tuesdays at 7am beginning March, 18th. If you're interested in joining, sign up on your Connect Card or email the office

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY  | Join us Wednesdays, beginning February 26th, at 9:30am as we walk through the book of Romans. Contact Karen Landis for more info.

BEFRIEND INITIATIVE: HONDURAS |  We have a committed partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission and their work in Honduras. As a team from NHCC travels onsite this summer, David White is aiming to build a focused prayer support network--find David after service or mark your connect card if interested.

LIFE GROUPS | We value genuine community here at NHCC. Life groups are small groups, most of which meet together weekly & in homes, to connect, grow, and serve together. Regardless of where you are in your faith journey, there is a place for you! Not in a group? We'd love for you to be! Most groups will be staring back up within the next few weeks. Contact the office with questions. Info cards are available on the Resource Table.

3/21-22 |  CIY SuperStart
3/23     |  Sunday Worship Service - 10am
            |  NHCC Student Nights - 6:30-8pm
3/24     |  Days for Girls - 10am
            |  Food Distribution - 5pm
3/25     |  Men's Morning Study - 7am
3/26     |  Women's Bible Study - 9:30am
3/30     |  Children's Baptism Class - after service
4/6       |  Chili Lunch for Honduras Team
4/20     |  Easter Sunday - 9am & 10:30am 
6/16-21  |  CIY MOVE
6/21-28  |  Honduras Mission Trip
7/7-11    |  CIY MIX